“U” Challenge: Unusual, Unexpected

Speed Limit?
Speed Limit?, a photo by Fergiemoto on Flickr.  Click on photo to enlarge.

Precision must be very important in this area!

We came across these unusual speed limit signs recently and wondered if this was the result of someone’s sense of humor.  I have to admit, I am a bit confused, especially with the subsequent sign above that reads “Beware of Signs.”  I wonder how these speeds are enforced.  Does anyone know if police radars measure vehicle speed to this precision?


Due to a recent car accident and aggravation of existing chronic pain and other health issues, I have been less active on WordPress lately, including visiting your great blogs.  My speed limit had been reduced significantly before the accident, and is much lower right now, perhaps even to a fraction of a speed.  Thank you for your patience – I will gradually get back into it.  Things can certainly change unexpectedly in an instant.

This is for the letter “U” Story Challenge by Frizztext, to share a short story or reflection, even an aphorism using a word tagged with each letter of the alphabet.