Weekly Photo Challenge: Wrong

Fight!, a photo by Fergiemoto on Flickr.  (click on photo to enlarge)
Linking up with CAMERA CRITTERS.

wrong to fight
wrong camera settings
two wrongs shape a good photo

…or does it?

I think most will agree it is wrong to fight.

The poem is unlike my usual and just feels wrong.  This is intentional.

But what about the photo(s)?

At first I didn’t like it because of the amount of blur.  With a second look, however, I felt the speed and intensity of the fight movements, and ended up liking it.  After all, this photo was taken right at sunset and for some reason, the fights were more intense at that time, so I wanted to get some shots of the activity.  The colors were also more vibrant.  I used continuous shooting, no flash, a slower shutter speed, and a higher ISO.  It’s expected that the result would be blurred photos.

This week’s WordPress Photo Challenge is to share a photo that means WRONG to you!