C! Challenge: Cat Empress

Cat Queen
Cat Queen, a photo by Fergiemoto on Flickr.  (Click on image to enlarge).
Also linking up with Camera Critters and Creative Exchange

A queen among queens
We fed her well, she fed us
Contented feline

I’m posting this for the “C” photo challenge by FrizzText (“C” is for Cat).  This is an old photo that I recently scanned from a negative.  Doesn’t she look like a queen, so poised and proud!  This cat was one of my favorites.  She was a stray (among many) who found us when she was a small kitten.  We named her “Bandit” but she was a sweetheart.

32 responses to “C! Challenge: Cat Empress

  1. Pingback: Weekly A-Z Archive: C for Camel | Without Strings Tied

  2. Hi,
    A beautiful photo, even after having to scan it, it is so clear, and she is gorgeous, and she looks very proud of herself for finding a spot up there on the throne. 🙂

  3. What a royal looking stray! Totally amazing how these felines develop in a nurturing home, isn’t it? My Miss Fluff-fluff has 5 assorted canine family members totally at her service in our home!

  4. That is quite a cat picture. It really shows Bandit’s character and pride. The green eyes and the green leaves fits perfectly together. Bandit looks quite similar to our cat Trotsky. A great shot!

  5. Oh, Her Highness (in more ways than one)! Quite splendid. The caption is perfect, a tribute every cat would love, I’m sure…and every one believes they deserve!

    My cats have been and are and always will be the loves of my life!

    Thanks for sharing, Fergiemoto!

  6. What a beauty she is, and your photograph of here is wonderful!!

    Thank you so much for sharing with us this week at The Creative Exchange.

    Have a great day!


  7. Pingback: Reflections: Happiness Is Life As A Lounging Cat… | Mirth and Motivation

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