“J” Challenge: Juvenile

A New Friend
A New Friend, a photo by Fergiemoto on Flickr.  Click on photo to enlarge.

“Are you my new friend?”

filled with trust, hope and
endless curiosity
youthful innocence

This is a female juvenile downy woodpecker just learning how to fly and trying to make a new friend at the birdbath.  She was curious about everything.  Adorably clumsy, Mama needed to feed her since she was having difficulty landing at the bird feeders and feeding herself.

This is for the letter “J” Story Challenge by Frizztext, to share a short story or reflection, even an aphorism using a word tagged with each letter of the alphabet.

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122 responses to ““J” Challenge: Juvenile

  1. Very cute! As mentioned by Seekraz this photo invites storytelling. Especially kids will be enchanted by this photo because everything that looks alive is alive for them like shadows in the wall, monsters under their bed, and of course all teddy-bears.
    So what are those two birds saying to each other?

  2. Lovely shot – well captured.

    The bird feeder I bought some months ago has 2 metal birds not unlike your one on this feeder. I’ve had no birds taking any seed I put out and I wondered if the ‘metal’ birds are scaring any real ones away? What do you think, Fergiemoto?

    My neighbour suggested it might just take some time for the birds to find my feeder.

    • Hmmm…you may be on to something, Victoria. I was hoping the birds would use the birdbath more frequently, but the problem may be the metal birds. Perhaps it will get more use if we remove the metal birds. This little woodpecker was so clumsy and so curious about everything. It is so funny because she crash landed into everything…the trees, the bird feeders, the railing, the bird bath, etc.!
      Thanks for your nice comment!

  3. Fun post reminding us that once we were like the juvenile bird. We should not loose that curiosity spirit in all of us. Aging should not stopped us from making new adventures and learn new things.

  4. Hi,

    This is a million dollar photo! What an expression of the real bird as it tries to figure out what to do with the unusual one. Could it also be wondering whether it may need to share the water in the tray?


  5. Pingback: Nature Notes (#175)~Man’s heart away from nature becomes hard. ~Standing Bear « ~RAMBLING WOODS~

  6. Oh my, this is just the sweetest photo! I love that you observed this bird enough to be able to share her story with us!

  7. Pingback: Windows on Wildlife: Thorin : Withywindle Nature

  8. Great picture – it would be a good image without the added humour of the metal bird!

    Thanks for linking to WBW – and sorry for late reply, I was in Dubai all last week and work rather took over my life!

    Cheers – Stewart M – Australia

  9. Pingback: Nature Notes (#176)~Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.~Albert Einstein « ~RAMBLING WOODS~

Thanks so much for your comments!