Avian Attitude

Avian Attitude
Avian Attitude, a photo by Fergiemoto on Flickr.  (Click on image to enlarge).
Also linking up with Texture Tuesday, Creative ExchangeOur World Tuesday, World Bird Wednesday, Nature Notes  and Camera Critters

Refreshing sunbeams
Curling shyness into charm.
Delightfully poised!

I do enjoy seeing our feathered visitors, so I hope you will bear with me as I post more photos of our avian friends.  The scrub jays are just full of personality.  This jay’s broken/deformed foot just adds to an already amusing personality.  Hoping the new year is off to a great start for you!

54 responses to “Avian Attitude

  1. This scrub jay is NOT going allow any tampering with that peanut, no way! I just love this self-confidence and utter immersion into peanut enjoyment. We should be so clever!

  2. Pingback: FERGIEMOTO does it again! So Cute. « Exploration Art

  3. Pingback: ARCHIVE : A is for ……………………. | A-Z NELLIBELL49 IN 2012

  4. Don’t touch my peanut! That blue looks like it has been painted on what a great close up… Perfect capture and the hues of blues …are amazing

  5. I have got to get me a camera
    living on the river has an abundance of wild life with lots of personality … like the river otters and the racoons that run to one side of the house and when the dog chases them to the extent of his chin they run around the house and sneak up and eat his food while he is barking at the corner of the house. And I swear the squirrels throw acorns at me and laugh. (~_~)

  6. What a wonderful photograph this is!!
    Such a sweet little one, and he sure looks like he’s holding onto that peanut very tightly.

    Thank you so very much for sharing with us this week at The Creative Exchange.

    Have a wonderful evening!


  7. I appreciate your comment. I am very happy that it brought me to your most special site. Absolutely beautiful work. I love your work, your delicacy, art and imagery with words – most of all, the Birds!

  8. Pingback: A-Z Archive: A is for Artisans | heartfelt images

  9. Oh, I love your photo of the scrub jay! We have one that lives in our desert neighborhood, in the city! He SHOULD be up in the pinyon forest, which is about 10 minutes away, up in the mountains. He’s been around now for going on 3 years…I do feed him peanuts, acorns (which I collect up in the mountains), and black oil sunflower seeds! he is VERY spoiled!

  10. My hubby loves these. He’s a bird watcher too. Each one I show him from your feed, he states the name like he’s on Jeopardy. 🙂
    Thank you for liking my post about making peanut butter. How fitting with this photo!
    Your photos are A-mazing!

Thanks so much for your comments!