Weekly Photo Challenge: Regret

Pals, a photo by Fergiemoto on Flickr.  (Click on image to enlarge).
Linking up with Camera Critters

The language of pals
So different yet very close
Warnings leave no doubt!

Muttsy (pup):  “Can we play more?  I want to play.”
Bandit (cat):  “I’ve had enough.  Come any closer and you’ll regret it!”

(I turned this photo into a black and white, and added a texture to make it look much older than it is.)  I saw a cute exchange of playfulness between these two pals when Muttsy was a pup.  Yep, cats and dogs can be pals.  But when cats have had enough, they make it known, at least ours did.  She was flicking her tail sharply and her front paw was about to swat.  Bandit was clearly the boss here!

39 responses to “Weekly Photo Challenge: Regret

  1. Pingback: WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge: Regret « Cee's Life Photography Blog

  2. it’s so funny when cats and dogs actually get along! I love watching when they have the first meeting. Months later, they are either growling/hissing at one another, or sleeping alongside one another in the sunlight 🙂

  3. Very cute! I had a cat that was half Himalayan and half Siamese that would lay on my shoulder and watch me paint. I named him Rembie short for my favorite artist Rembrandt. He would definitely let you know when he had enough. Nice photo.

  4. What an enjoyable and cute post. Yes, cats are their own masters, aren’t they? I like how you turned the picture into a B&W photo and added some texture. It does make it somewhat older, but more importantly it adds to the feeling playfulness and cation.

  5. I often see the same exchange cat to cat, especially if one is female! They know how to stand their ground!

    Lovely photo and ‘caption’ once more. Thanks for sharing!

    (By the way, I LOVE the quotes on your sidebar!)

Thanks so much for your comments!